Hello all:
has been a while since I last emailed you but I'm back with a lot
of information to cram into your eyeballs. I'll be
discussing the role of borrowing in recessions and
depressions. (Think Japan for the last two decades, not
America in the 1930's)
This recession is different this time, it
really is. Since World War II all the previous recessions
came about because of overproduction. Companies would slow
down production, bring inventories back into line, and the economy
would resume its upward trajectory. What allowed the economy
to recover and resume its growth so quickly?
Credit. The consumer kept borrowing. (See graph
#1) Even during nasty recessions, consumer credit
outstanding merely leveled off and did not decline
This time its different. The rate
of consumer credit outstanding continues to decline and is not
leveling off. This does not bode well for long term GDP
growth as you can see from graph #2
So why is the consumer not borrowing
more? He can't! The home equity line of credit has
been cut off, credit card lines have been slashed, and the the
consumer is feeling a lot less wealthy after watching his house
fall in value by at least 20% An unemployment rate of 10+%
does not help either.
As you can see consumer credit growth has
been highly correlated to GDP growth. (Thanks to the blog Econopicdata
for graph #2.) What could cause this relationship to
decouple? If you continue to see numerous stimulus programs
from the government in an attempt to restart growth you may see
GDP growth languish while consumer credit continues to decline.
last chart shows total credit market debt as a percentage of GDP.
I have scribbled in some commentary in red. The 1929 crash
and great depression that followed started with a peak debt/gdp
ratio of around 260 percent. As of March 2009 the ratio
stood at 375.5%
Politicians from both parties will try to
create jobs by stimulus packages. In my opinion the numerous
stimulus programs will fail to reignite any serious growth. It's
the debt, stupid. (To
alter a phrase from Bill Clinton in 1992) The Federal
government will be able to convert some of the private debt into
public debt (the various mortgage modification programs and the
bailout of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are examples) but until the
total debt ratio drops we will remain in a period of volatile sub
par economic growth.
Unfortunately doing what needs to be done
in my opinion will be politically unpopular. Some countries
in the world 'get it' and have already started the painful process
of rebalancing their economy. Ireland has recently announced
pay cuts of 5-15% along with numerous budget reductions. (NY
Times story, 2009 December 10) (Irish
times budget details) Take a quick look at the
budget details. Can you imagine the same happening in
America? Is this even within the lexicon of either
party? Fortunately we are not (yet) in the same
financial situation as Ireland but their response of reducing
spending versus the US Governments reaction of spending more are
polar opposites. You can't cure too much debt with more
debt. Even stopping the growth of
government and promising to spend the same amount each year (on a
nominal basis) would work since America has more financial
flexibility than Ireland; but this is unlikely.
For a more detailed description of debt
dynamics I strongly suggest you read this blog
entry by an Australian economist. He does a much better
job of describing the situation of how long term credit growth
eventually creates severe economic instability.
missive is not the best of news to bring forth during the holidays
so I waited to send this out until after the New Year. I do
not lay out a cheery vision of the near future but it is not the
end of the world. The world will keep spinning and new
inventions and productivity enhancements will come about. There
will always be investment opportunities and I'm always hard at
work looking for them.
Finally, an apology to my clients.
Before the credit crisis of 2008 I basically ignored large scale
macro economic matters because I didn't need to look at it. I did
a pretty good job picking individual stocks and only looking at
how some macro factors affected those individual stocks. I
was good at what I did and did not need to leave the sandbox I was
playing in. While on a risk adjusted and relative basis I
outperformed in 2008 (and before) I'm still not
Metaphorically speaking I feel like I was
hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat and then run over
by a large truck several times. This downdraft was different
and I needed to know why. It has taken several months of
homework but I think I'm getting a feel for what may happen in the
I continue to be conservatively invested
leaning towards strong balance sheets, avoiding the US consumer
and with an international bias. As always, if you have any
questions regarding my portfolio construction or this email please
feel free to contact me. |