Strategic Asset Management



Free Information




Free Information

Updates - Topical financial updates from Strategic Asset Management 

Commodity Charts - Consolidated graphs of various commodity prices.  Good at a glance information

Roth IRA, IRA, and 401(k)  - A quick overview of the differences between these popular investment vehicles. By Strategic Asset Management.

Financial preparedness - What you need to do 

Saving for college - the challenges 

Tax rates -  Marginal Tax rates

Identity theft and credit monitoring -How to reduce your chances of getting hit

Social Security  - What you need to know

Broker Talk  - Be careful when a possible advisor/broker whispers these sweet nothings into your ear

Fiduciary Responsibility - Whom does your broker work for?  

Inflation Protection Bonds (TIPS) - An overview by JP Morgan regarding Treasury Inflation Protected Securities. 1996 - (Adobe Acrobat format)

Strategic Asset Management
voice: 253-927-0998

Strategic Asset Management is an investment advisory firm registered in Washington State.

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